
Thursday, September 26, 2013

The SDDL string contains an invalid sid or a sid that cannot be translated

I got the below error during Sharepoint 2013 configuration in Standalone mode on a Windows Server 2012. SharePoint 2013 Installation was successful. This happened while the configuration wizard was running and I think it was on step 8, the configuration failed and I got the below error.

Configuration Failed
One or more configuration settings failed. Completed configuration settings will not be rolled back. Resolve the problem and run this configuration wizard again. The following contains detailed information about the failure:
Failed to create sample data.
An exception of type System.ArgumentException was thrown. Additional exception information: The SDDL string contains an invalid sid or sid that cannot be translated.
Parameter name: sddlForm
To diagnose the problem, review the application event log and the configuration log file located at:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\PSCDiagnostics %%%%%%%%.log

How to fix this

1) Check if the account used for installing SharePoint 2013 has dbcreator and security admin permission in SQL Server.

2) Browse to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server" and find the folder that starts with Analytics_GUID.

3) Right-click -> Properties ->Sharing ->Advanced Sharing. Check the "Share this folder' check box and click on Permissions.

4) Granted full access to everyone.

5) Added WSS_ADMIN_WPG to the sharing with full access.

6) Ran the SharePoint 2013 Products Configuration Wizard again and this completed successfully.


  1. Thanks for the Post. This post helped me when I setup my VM SharePoint 2013.

  2. Thanks - clean solution - this worked

  3. What exactly did you do in step 5?

  4. What exactly did you do in step 5?

  5. In my case I checked that folder and WSS_ADMIN_WPG already had permissions.

  6. Windows Server 2012 the folder is here

    C:\Program Files\Windows SharePoint Services\15.0

  7. Oh wow! You can't imagine how frustrated I was with this issue till I found your blog! I came across another issue as well where in the same step, it reported that the SecureTokenServiceApplication (WCF webservice hosted in IIS) was not available -- when I checked I found all the SharePoint app pools in stopped state, just had to start them up again.

    For those who are curious about Step 5, just click the ADD button on that same permissions screen and add the user account WSS_ADMIN_WPG. Once you are back to the list of accounts with the permissions, check ON the "Full Access".
